Hello to all my fans. I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you for your support.
Now to get down to what I have been doing for the last four months. I have been working on books three and four of the Vampire Consanguinity Series. Shocker, yes I know, I'm sure you all assumed as much. In the process of writing the upcoming books I also have been working on a short story that I will be posting to my facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/gabrielklasing1/ ). So keep checking for that. My goal is to get book three polished and ready for release the beginning of next year (2019). I know for all of you that have read Stone Princess that is a long time to wait, with all the tasty cliff hangers I left for you. Book three will surely answer some of those questions and leave you with more. So ta ta for now, I must get back to editing.