Monday, August 25, 2014

Another Snippit from Sam-by Gabriel Klasing

I spent my entire life in some form of depression but this could not compare to any of that. Lost and alone in the middle of a forest somewhere. What was I going to do, the wolves were howling looking for there next kill and I assumed that it was going to be me. Then out of no where... 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Soul Fire by Gabriel Klasing

Soul Fire by Gabriel Klasing

After fire meets Ice, what is left an inferno or a pool of water?

The perpetual flame of your soul moves in mysterious ways.

Sometimes it is burning, sometimes it is ice.

 If your soul is cold and frozen in an icy tomb for a long time.

Eventually the fire will start lapping at it and thawing it.

What is felt, pain of the past and fire of the future?

Can these two coexist or can there only be one?

As the fire kisses and cresses the ice, and it melts, little by little, uncovering things.

The ice tries hard to refreeze the broken parts before they are exposed.

It’s too late, the ice is not fast enough to keep up with the fire.

Now stuck in-between the fire of the future and the pain of the past.

The ice tries a different method and starts to form a puddle trying to douse the blazing inferno but the fire keeps burning.

The fire evaporates the puddle little by little and the pain grows weaker and weaker as the fire wins the battle. 

Now the pain is resting inside the fire that lights the way to the time ahead.

A cloud forms and it rains.

The rain dims the fire and the soul grows cold and begins to refreezes until the fire gets hot and thaws us once again.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sam --- by Gabriel Klasing

Hi to all my readers. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for sticking by me. It has been 5 short years and I'm still working on Sam (this would have been so much easier if I didn't have a day job). I have set a goal to have this publish in some kind of way by December of this year!! Please stay tuned as I will be adding more and more snippets from my book to my blog. My plan is to add one new snippet per week until the book is published.