Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sam by Gabriel Klasing

The book has been sent to the editor and I am hoping that I will get it back really soon. My hope is to have it done by Christmas. By done I mean published either by a publishing company or by self publishing. We shall see. Once I get it done to that point I will post a teaser on here.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013


I'm going to try and post something everyday or at least every other day. I'm trying to build my blog back up after it being down for a while. Anyway.

For today who do you think was the better philosopher? Aristotle or Aquinas? Or maybe you choose someone else.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Past, present and Future

If you were allowed to look into the past, present or future which one would you choose? Would you choose the past even though you have your memories of what has already happened this is more asking you if you would go to a certain point in your life and kind of relive a very special event. Would you go to the present too see what tomorrow might bring? or would you go to the future and see what it holds? If you would go to the future would how far would you want to go?